Main Feed Loading System

A main feed loading system is a vital component of modern operations, particularly in large-scale farms. This system is responsible for delivering a consistent supply of feed to various parts of the farm, ensuring that the animals have access to the nutrients they need to thrive.

A well-designed main feed loading system comprises a feed silo, feed conveying equipment, and feed distribution equipment. The feed silo stores the feed, while the feed conveying equipment, such as augers or pneumatic tubes, moves the feed to different areas of the farm.

The feed distribution equipment, such as hoppers or automatic feeders, dispenses the feed to the animals at predetermined intervals, ensuring that they have access to fresh feed throughout the day. A reliable main feed loading system is critical to ensuring the health and productivity of the animals, as well as the efficiency of the overall operation.

Silo (feed density 0.65t/m³)BH-27.3m³
Silo Transforming AdapterPP
BootΦ 90 stainless steel, single outlet
Drive System 901.1kw
Feed SensorEuropean Brand
Main feed line 90Φ 90 PVC pipe + auger
90 Curved PipePA6 + 30% Glass Fiber Φ 90
Feed Drop Tee JointΦ 90, PP
Feed Drop 90Φ 90 Soft Pipe + PVC pipe
Feed Line fixed partsInside House
Feed line fixed partsH<2m, hot galv.